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Friday, April 22, 2022 - 11:50 AM
Breaking the M.O.L.D-UMD is pleased to accept applications from faculty in the Arts and Humanities as well as the humanistic Social Sciences for the inaugural 2022–2023 academic year cohort. The fellowship is intended for faculty at the associate and full professor level from historically disadvantaged racial groups and women.
Friday, April 22, 2022 - 11:21 AM
Maryland announced the largest and most comprehensive program of its type ever introduced at our university. Up to $30 million in institutional investments will be available to fund programs, initiatives and projects designed to impact enduring and emerging societal issues, such as climate change, social injustice, global health, education disparities, poverty, and threats to our democracy.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 4:13 PM
In ARHU, Aldoory strengthened research, spearheaded the Campaign on Race, Equity and Justice and addressed a wide range of faculty concerns.
