Home » News » 2017-18 DRIF CALL FOR PROPOSALS


The Arts and Humanities Center for Synergy will start accepting accepting DRIF proposals for the 2017-18 academic year Monday, September 18, 2017. Please see the Call for DRIF Proposals for more information.

Tenure-Track and Professional-Track Faculty are eligible to apply.  We offer three different funding categories that are in keeping with the Center for Synergy’s interdisciplinary and engaged research goals. A limited amount of subvention funds is also available for the reproduction of images for book publication. In addition, we offer funding in support of applications to the Division of Research Faculty Incentive Program Tier I Seed Grants. The vast majority of conference grants are awarded in the fall. There is only a small amount awarded for conference proposals in the spring cycle. Conference proposals should only be submitted in the spring cycle if the timelines of the conference requires you to apply then. New Directions Innovation Seed Grants are only awarded in the fall.  

Funded initiatives will be those that promise to promote interdisciplinary research and scholarship and/or enhance links to and engagement in the community beyond the campus. Due to budget constraints, priority will be given to requests from units that are not currently receiving operational funding from the Dean’s office. 

To submit a proposal, please log-on with your UMD directory ID and password to the College of Arts and Humanities Online Applications System which can be found at https://apply.arhu.umd.edu. There you can select the appropriate application and fill in the fields, upload your project description and submit when complete. You can save a draft of your application to submit at a later time, if necessary. Only one submission can be accepted per person per application so please make sure all applications are complete and fit the call before submitting. All applications for the fall cycle must be submitted electronically by 5 pm on Friday, October 13, 2017. 

We encourage everyone to apply! If you have any questions, please contact Linda Aldoory, Associate Dean for Research and Programming, at laldoory@umd.edu