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Baltimore Stories: Narratives and The Life of an American City: UMD Campuswide Convening
3/30/16 - 8:00 PM

The Arts and Humanities Center for Synergy invited campus researchers and artists to examine the roles that UMD is playing and can play in Maryland's post-industrial city.

Baltimore Stories: Narratives and Life of an American City: Kick-off Event

This project gathered researchers, scholars, artists, social activists and the local community to discuss narrative, race and power in Baltimore.

Kick Off: Digital Humanities African American History Culture Project_ Session 1
5/25/16 - 8:00 PM

Bonnie Thornton Dill, Mariët Westermann, Neil Fraistat and President Loh offer an introduction to the AADHum initiative at Maryland.

Kick Off: Digital Humanities African American History Culture Project_session 2
5/25/16 - 8:00 PM

Working groups provide a summary of their work and discuss possible next steps.

Kick Off: Digital Humanities African American History Culture Project_ Session 3

A group discussion on possible research questions related to themes of migration, labor and visual culture.
