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Faculty Funds Competition Deadline

Monday, October 19, 2020 - 5:00 PM

*ALERT: In light of current budget cuts due to COVID-19, we are postponing Conference Grants until further notice. We will accept applications for Subvention Funds, Innovation Grants, and the Special Purpose Innovation Grants with a deadline of October 19, 2020. An updated call will be announced in advance of the spring deadline.

Priority will be given to faculty members who have not received ARHU grants in the past academic year. Applications will be accepted for fall and spring deadlines: Friday, October 19, 2020*, and Friday, March 5, 2021. Examples of past funded proposals can be found in the ARHU Proposal Library. Application requirements are listed below.

Innovation Grants: Up to $5,000 will be awarded for projects that support a faculty’s individual, creative, or research success in their field. Work proposed can advance ongoing efforts that address a new idea or can be a pilot project that spark a new trajectory for research. Successful applications must demonstrate: 1) how the project meets the faculty member’s professional advancement at UMD; 2) how the work contributes to the faculty member’s larger field of study. Funds are intended for expenses such as hiring assistants, studio or rehearsal costs, materials, participant incentives, and archives. No travel expenses will be allowed. Priority will be given projects that advance promotion goals.

Special Purpose Addressing Race, Equity and Justice: In addition to the regular Innovation Grant call, the Dean has added a special purpose fund, as part of the new ARHU campaign to address racism, equity and justice. Up to $5,000 will be awarded to projects that address racism, equity and/or social justice. Successful applications must demonstrate all of the Innovation Grant criteria, plus directly contribute to anti-racism, equity and/or social justice.

Submissions will be reviewed as either general Innovation, or special purpose Innovation, not both. PLEASE DESIGNATE IN THE TITLE OF YOUR PROJECT DESCRIPTION IF YOU ARE SUBMITTING TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FUND. If a proposal does not state whether it is for the special purpose, the selection committee will make the decision and judge accordingly.

Subvention Funds: Funds can cover costs required by a publisher that are assigned to faculty, such as reproduction of images. Up to $2,000 may be requested. Both TTK and PTK faculty are eligible. Preference will be given to faculty preparing a book (or equivalent product) for tenure review, and faculty preparing a book (or equivalent product) for promotion to full professor or for promotion to Senior or Principal Lecturer.  A match of fund amount requested is required from home unit. In addition to application documents listed below, applications must include a letter from unit head confirming a match and a copy of the publisher contract.

Required application documents for ALL submissions:

  1. Project Description (three pages maximum, single-spaced with one-inch margins and at least 11-point font): In title, please designate whether proposal is to be reviewed for the special purpose Innovation grant fund. Identify the proposed project’s objectives, description and expected outcomes. Address contributions to the faculty member’s professional development and their field. For special purpose applications, also address the contribution to anti-racism, equity, or social justice.
  2. Timeline (one page maximum): List project elements and note when each task will be accomplished during the funding period.
  3. Budget and Justification (two pages maximum): Provide an itemized budget and justification for planned expenditures. All project elements and associated costs should be anticipated. Budget categories will vary depending on the project. Include any other sources of funding and whether those funds are committed or pending.

Submission Process:

Combine all application documents into a single PDF file and submit electronically to the ARHU Application Portal (http://apply.arhu.umd.edu) by 5 pm on the deadline date.

Post Award Expectations:

A final report will be required one year after award date, summarizing use of funds and achievements. All awarded funds must be spent within a year of its distribution. Funds not spent within a year will be refunded to the college. Successful applicants will receive specific guidance on further reporting requirements in their award letter.

Awardees will acknowledge ARHU in any reports, presentations, and materials produced by the funding. Funded projects will be featured on the Maryland Center for Humanities Research website, humanities.umd.edu.